In a world full of people who “couldn’t care less”,
be someone who couldn’t care more.
Who We Are
We’re a small group of dedicated individuals looking to improve animal welfare across Canada. Having worked in various facets of animal rescue in the past, including fostering, adoptions, fundraising, active rescue and more, we see the need for intake of animals needing help. We are a registered charity, meaning any funds raised go right back into the organization for vet bills, food and supplies. We are 100% volunteer based. Our goal is to provide care for any animal needing it, from intake to adoption, giving them a second chance at a life full of love!
What We Do
We work with communities throughout Canada to promote animal welfare, providing a safe place for stray, injured and unwanted animals to be fully vetted and rehabilitated until they can find their forever homes. With the help of numerous volunteers and fosters, we are able to assist countless animals on their journey.
How You Can Help
Our organization is completely foster home based and we rely on people like you! You can help support us by signing up to provide a temporary home until adoption.
Fostering is:
* Totally Free! We provide all the supplies needed while the animal is in your care.
* Supportive! We offer continuous staff support, veterinary care, training tips, and a private group for you to share your experiences.
* Heartwarming! You will have the chance to provide a meaningful difference in an animals life.
* Fun! It is full of smiles and laugher as you watch an animal learn and grow. Fostering also allows you and your family the chance to see if an animal (or a second) is right for you!

Rescue. Adopt. Foster. Sponsor. Volunteer. Donate.
Educate. Advocate.
Interested in being a part of something great?
Have some extra questions or want more information?
Please send us an email at fosteringhoperescue@gmail.com